Rochester Airfield, Kent, United Kingdom
Membership eligibility is based on a broad definition of civil and public service
We, the members of the CSFC, own a Cessna 172 with 4 seats and registration G-WACW. Becoming a member means you have a share in our aircraft, but there are no share buying costs. The only fees are membership and a flying rate that includes all extras such as fuel, maintenance and landing fees at Rochester airfield (our base).
The Civil Service Flying Club (CSFC) is a non profit making club formed in 1965 to give its members access to cheaper training for the Private Pilot Licence (PPL) and cheaper aircraft hire once the PPL has been obtained. We are affiliated to CSSC Sports & Leisure or CSSC for short. This organisation is the facilitator for sport and leisure across the Civil Service and more recently other public sector bodies. The CSFC has tracked the changes to CSSC membership and is open to for example: friends and family, employees in a government department or agency; the Armed Forces; Royal Mail/Post Office; BT; Police; HM Prison Service; other public bodies such as museums, research councils and companies carrying out ex-civil service work. For a complete list visit Membership of our club is at CSFC Board discretion.
Our aircraft is available to our members at rates well below those charged by most other flying clubs. See the rates button at the top of the page.
The Membership Etc button at the top of the page will take you to our membership application and the CSSC website.